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Chimeras Play-to-Earn Metaverse Completes Successful Funding Round

Chimeras Play-to-Earn Metaverse Completes Successful Funding Round

Press Release: Chimeras successfully raised over $2 million in its latest fundraising round, which will  help to fund the play-to-earn project’s market and product development.


October 18th, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine – The Chimeras Play-to-Earn metaverse project has completed its funding round with the participation of leading blockchain venture companies, including Master Ventures, AU 21, Poolz, BullPerks, X21, OIG Invest, Panda Capital, Shima Capital, LVT Capital, Otis Capital and Lotus Capital. The round successfully raised over $2 million which the Chimeras team has earmarked for the metaverse’s product development and marketing campaigns, including the launch of its brand native token, CHIM.


The team is also announcing the upcoming Chimeras initial DEX offering (IDO) on the Ignition, Poolz, and BullPerks platforms. The Poolz platform IDO  will take place on October 26th, followed by the Ignition and BullPerks IDOs two days later on October 28th. Additionally, Chimeras are in the process of negotiating with one more IDO platform – the details of which will soon be shared on social media. After all IDOs have taken place, CHIM will be available to trade freely in the cryptocurrency market.


A Strong In-Game Economy

CHIM will have a maximum supply of 75,000,000 CHIM, with the initial supply allocated between its team, leading blockchain-focussed funds, advisers, users who are part of the Chimeras metaverse and farming pools. Users will be able to use these pools to provide in-game loans, as well as generate interest and other rewards. 


The token will also form the backbone of the in-game economy, allowing users to exchange in-game assets such as land and NFT-based items. Users can also spend CHIM on content creation and the maintenance of in-game assets. 


About Chimeras

The Chimeras project is a Play-to-Earn metaverse that takes the Free-to-Play approach of allowing players to earn on the content they generate in-game and the actions and feats they accomplish. The core concept of Chimeras is a thrilling mobile game with integrated DeFi farming and NFT tokenization that revolves around a fantasy world filled with cuddly creatures – Chimeras.


Chimeras includes a well-developed backstory that engulfs players with its lore. The vast fantasy world of Chimeras is populated with farmers, alchemists, merchants, killers, landowners, and socials. The islands and archipelagos of the metaverse stretch out in the middle of a boundless world ocean, with some islands having owners, while travelers and merchants surf the expanses of the universe in search of adventures and profitable deals. The game also includes combat elements, as warriors are eager to fight worthy rivals in arenas, while scientists compete for the breeding of the most amazing creatures in their laboratories.


The players are rewarded with NFT-based items or CHIM tokens that can be used to breed the creatures, trading, building the virtual land plots in the game, as well as in battles. The gamers can buy and sell everything, including trade reagents, resources, and creatures at auctions, while more peace-loving players can live on the rent they generate from the ownership of numerous islands.


The team behind Chimeras has immense experience in the industry. This includes professionals in BlockchainDev, GameDev, and Marketing, all focussed on creating a tier-1 entertainment crypto-game. More than 30 specialists implement cutting-edge practices to develop successful gaming solutions and focus on entertainment as the core throughout the entire gameplay.


For more about Chimeras and the launch of its native token CHIM, visit their main website here


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Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Yuliya Prekrasnova

Contact Telegram: @ChimerasPR


CHIMERAS is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. 




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BEUROP Launches DeFi Trading & Marketing Platform for Blockchain Startups

Press Release: Blockchain Euro Project BEUROP has announced the launch of its DeFi trading and Marketing platform for cryptocurrency startups and everyday users.


Monday 18th, London, England — Following the launch of its deflationary BEPR token, Blockchain Euro Project (BEUROP) is preparing to establish its first product: a DeFi crypto trading and marketing platform for developing blockchain industry startups.


What is BEUROP?

BEUROP is a European blockchain-powered company that focuses on making cryptocurrency startups transparent, efficient, and reliable. The company’s new flagship product is a DeFi trading & marketing platform that will help legitimize emerging companies, tokens, and blockchain projects; while offering token holders potential income and liquidity.


DeFi & Marketing Platform

The BEUROP platform aims to integrate projects in the DeFi, NFT, CeFi, Gaming, and Business space into its ecosystem, while also providing benefits to regular crypto users. The platform’s tools will offer business promotion through marketing banners like Poocoin or Dextool, and functionalities like Coinsniper and Coinhunter, with the option to vote/promote tokens directly. The advertising package contains complete marketing for presale, post-sale, and exchange listing.


Crypto Trading and Marketing Tools

Everyday crypto users will benefit from an intuitive interface that integrates:


  • Night mode
  • Free trading options
  • Digital asset analysis
  • Audited Smart contracts with characteristics to match with honeypots.


The platform also features enhanced cryptographic security which uses its intelligence tool for comprehensive cryptocurrency analysis. The result will be a free report on possible risks or threats when working with a token/currency.


BEUROPs DeFi trading and marketing platform aim to provide a complete product with all the utilities, accessible, secure, and with the best prices on the market. The company will also build a cross-chain bridge to other networks such as Solana, Polygon, and Ethereum. Therefore, users will have the opportunity to join BEUROP’s platform and get all the benefits in one product.


Services and Resources

A good marketing strategy for blockchain projects ensures the proper positioning in the crypto ecosystem and the influx of long-term investors. BEUROP includes multiple services and tools that will boost startups. After launching the first version, developers will implement several functionalities for the crypto marketing platform as startup launchers.



BEUROP is also set to soon release BeSmartBeurop, a free educational program for BEPR holders that will include financial knowledge, personal development, programming skills, trading, among other options. The company will help people to develop professionally and personally. The best qualifications will join the BEUROP team in designing the first blockchain ecosystem in the European Union.


e-Wallet & BEPR Distribution

Parallel to the educational platform, BEUROP will launch its e-wallet. This product will be connected to the other projects within the roadmap, to minimize cases of fraud and help to improve the process of buying/selling the reflective token, BEPR.


Project owners will have a secure and efficient tool in BEUROP DeFi crypto trading and marketing platform. Meanwhile, BEPR token holders will see stable growth of their finances with this product due to its reflection mechanism, in which 10% of the taxes are distributed (BEPR Holders 3%, LP Holders 3%, and Marketing 4% which include 1% for Charity).



With legal registration in England and a team with more than five years of experience in blockchain solutions, BEUROP is a company created to provide its investors with stable income through an ecosystem whose products respond to the current needs of the crypto market. Anyone interested in the project can check out the BEUROP Whitepaper here.


BEUROP Socials

Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Medium | Team | Insta | Facebook


Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Karen Gandia

Contact Email: [email protected]


BEUROP is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest


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ZoidPay Chrome Extension Lets Shoppers Buy with Crypto on Amazon, eBay and 40M+ Online Retailers

ZoidPay ebay Amazon

Press Release: The ZoidPay Chrome extension will allow users to spend their cryptocurrencies on products, pay subscriptions, and even book flights with 40+ million online retailers. 


October 18th, 2021, Bucharest, Romania ZoidPay has announced the launch of its Chrome Extension, allowing millions of users to shop using various cryptocurrencies with all online merchants across the world.


Shop Easier than Ever Before

The ZoidPay Chrome Extension is platform agnostic, letting shoppers connect to it using any digital wallet. Currently being rolled out in phases, the Chrome Extension will be available globally by November 2021. It promises to bridge the gap in making crypto adoption mainstream.


Users can choose from any major cryptocurrency to make payments for their purchases on Walmart, Alibaba, MediaMarkt, Lazada, and eMag to name a few. Through the Chrome Extension, ZoidPay offers instant liquidity of up to $1 billion for crypto assets per day.


Eduard Oneci, CEO and Co-founder at ZoidPay, stated:


“Our Chrome Extension is unlike any other product in the market. It truly lets one shop anything from anywhere using their digital assets. When we started this journey nearly 3 years ago, we were fixated on building a platform that makes crypto usage seamless and secure. The Chrome Extension manifests this vision.“


Made for Crypto & Non-Crypto Users

Be it a user familiar with cryptocurrencies or one who’s not yet ventured there, the Chrome Extension promises a seamless experience. With easy onboarding, (including KYC) the Chrome Extension gets users ready to shop from over 40 million retailers across the world in a matter of minutes. 


Additionally, it offers instant liquidity for most major crypto assets, independent of the wallet used. With the Chrome Extension, ZoidPay has introduced a liquidity solution that lets all users shop anything from anywhere using crypto.


Cashback, Staking, Loans & Much More

Whether users are buying the latest iPhone 13 Pro Max, paying their Netflix subscription, or getting ready to book their next holiday trip, cashback is guaranteed on all crypto purchases with Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, and most major cryptocurrencies. All cashback is instant and paid in ZoidPay’s native token ZPAY, directly into the user’s wallet. 


Eduard continued: 


“Be it a regular crypto holder or even a user who’s never dealt with cryptocurrencies before, the Chrome Extension promises a hassle-free journey. Beyond the ease of use and safety, the benefits that come from shopping with the Chrome Extension are unlimited. For a start, every purchase made comes with a reward in the form of cashback.” 


The Chrome Extension comes packed with staking and other DeFi integrations, creating a unique, personalized user experience. From staking ZPAY in shopping pools, getting loans, and paying in installments at merchants, the Chrome Extension becomes a one-stop secure shop for all crypto and non-crypto users. 


Crypto Adoption 2.0

There have always been questions about the accessibility, safety, and efficiency of using cryptocurrencies for online shopping. With the launch of the Chrome Extension, ZoidPay has taken a major leap in its vision of making cryptocurrency easily accessible for daily use. Consumers can finally use their crypto to buy products, pay subscriptions and even buy tickets with the groundbreaking new Chrome Extension


ZoidPay Socials

Twitter  | Facebook | Instagram | Telegram | Linkedin


Media Contact Details

Contact Email: [email protected]


ZoidPay is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest