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Router Protocol Launches Mainnet Following Successful $4 Million Raise

Press Release: Router Protocol announces the launch of its mainnet after a successful strategic funding round raising $4 million.


January 31st, 2022, Singapore – Cross-chain communication infrastructure project, Router Protocol, announces the launch of its mainnet, a few weeks after a successful funding round in which Router raised over $4 million from marquee investors including Coinbase Ventures, Alameda Research, QCP, Polygon, and Wintermute. The mainnet launch follows a successful period of development and testing on the protocol’s incentivised testnet showcasing its XCLP (Cross-chain Liquidity Protocol), which received feedback from 3,000 community members.


The mainnet launch will be between three blockchains – Polygon, Avalanche and BSC, and will plug into various liquidity venues – primarily DEXes, including Dfyn on Polygon. Subsequently, in a few weeks after the launch, there will also be various staking and farming programs across all three chains to incentivize liquidity aggregation.


While this version one implementation of Router’s XCLP will be focused on enabling cross-chain transfers and swaps, the vision is to open up the XCLP to a wider audience of partners, including blockchain and application developers, enabling native cross-chain capability for multiple use cases including cross chain governance, lending and borrowing.


Security is a big priority, and the team has been working hard to address issues related to security with the help of independent auditors as well as the broader developer community.  $200,000 bug bounty program has kickstarted community efforts  to continuously debug the Router platform . 


In addition, the Router team has already begun work on the cross-chain communication platform’s v2 upgrade, which will take place later in 2022. The v2 upgrade will introduce a generic purpose accounting blockchain which will be able to store, send, and secure messages across different blockchains.


Interoperability is the Future of DeFi

Router is an early pioneer in the cross-chain communication space. The rapid rise in Ethereum adoption has been accompanied by a raft of Layer 1 and Layer 2 competitors and collaborators such as Avalanche, Polygon, BSC etc as well as non-EVM chains such as Solana, Terra, Algorand and Cosmos. Each of these have their own advantages and disadvantages. 


Router’s XCLP platform enables mainstream applications to build complex products across different chains  for various specific needs. This is especially important for the growing DeFi space. Rather than focusing on just liquidity transfer, Router focuses on building generic cross-chain messaging capabilities. With Router’s SDK, any dApp whether it be a wallet or a DEX or an NFT platform or indeed anything that requires any crosschain capability can seamlessly plug-in to Router and enable cross-chain messaging and communication.


As a result, Router is positioning itself to be a key connecting infrastructure as DeFi evolves.


About Router Protocol

Router Protocol is building a suite of cross-chain liquidity infra primitives that aims to seamlessly provide bridging infrastructure between current and emerging Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchain solutions. Its vision is to promote a crypto space in which each project and ecosystem has the ability to utilize the benefits of all other projects and ecosystems in the space. 


Router Protocol was founded in 2020 by Ramani Ramachandran, Shubham Singh, Chandan Choudhury, and Priyeshu Garg. Ramachandran, an MIT alum, has been a serial entrepreneur in the Fintech and digital assets space for the better part of a decade. The team also comprises an extensive list of seasoned developers in the blockchain space who, together, have experience in Web3, protocol building, UI and UX.


Moreover, Router’s strategic round, which raised $4.1 million, saw participation from Coinbase Ventures, QCP, De-Fi Capital, Polygon, Wintermute, Shima, Woodstock and Bison Ventures, in addition to leading Web 2.0/Web 3.0 executives and entrepreneurs. Some of the leading angels in the round include Polygon’s Sandeep Nailwal and Doordash’s Gokul Rajaram.


Combined, these resources will be used to drive Router’s roadmap and position it at the forefront of the cross-chain interoperability space. 


For more about Router Protocol and its mission to revolutionize cross chain interoperability visit their main website here.


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Download the Router Litepaper here


Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Priyeshu Garg

Contact Email: [email protected]


ROUTER PROTOCOL is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. 

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Polis Enters the DeFi Space, Launching Smartchain, DEX and BSC Bridge

Press Release: Polis is launching its first-ever blockchain, PolisChain, allowing users to benefit from its purpose-built DEX and Yield Farming.


November 15th, 2021, Mexico City, Mexico – Polis, the project behind decentralized payments platform PolisPay, is announcing the launch of PolisChain, its first native blockchain to power the Polis ecosystem, which includes the Olympus network.


The new chain represents a significant move for the ecosystem, signalling the project’s ambition to increase adoption with a particular focus on the fast-growing decentralized finance (DeFi) space. 


Coinciding with this announcement, the team behind Polis has also launched a dedicated decentralized exchange (DEX) for the PolisChain called HadesSwap. HadesSwap allows users in the Polis ecosystem to exchange the ecosystem’s tokens without the need for a centralized exchange, as well as stake Polis and other crypto-assets for returns. 


Currently, HadesSwap supports DAI, SOUL, BTCB, ETH and CAKE, and is compatible with popular decentralized wallet Metamask. HadesSwap also features a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) bridge for assets BTCB, ETH, CAKE and DAI. 


Speaking about the launch, PolisChain’s business DAO manager, Andreas Meyer, said: 


“In the long term, the Polis Chain team will focus on payment tools, merchant connections and online stores, creating a smart chain for fast payments and decentralized applications”


Towards DeFi and Beyond 

In addition to developing a new DeFi offering, Polis have been focussed on developing several new features for their gowing ecosystem. This includes the recent addition of Polis to which connects PolisChain to BSC, supporting a bridge for BTCB, ETH, CAKE and DAI on both networks. is a highly decentralized Ethereum scaling solution with a built-in metastable gas currency. It connects to Ethereum and other blockchains as a layer-two protocol and allows smart contracts to scale and communicate seamlessly through heterogeneous blockchain networks.


Read more about here.


Moreover, in October 2021, the Polis team released Polis Block Slasher, a free-to-play game that allows players to win Polis, a feature that incentivises the wider ecosystem’s adoption. The game is randomized according to each player’s wallet address, with the chance to win up to 400 Polis (worth just over $100 at current market rates) if they secure a ranked position by November 30th. 


Find out more about Polis’ Block Slasher game  here


About Polis 

Polis is the main asset on the Olympus Network. It allows users to pay for transaction fees, as well as transferring value stored in Polis within the network. Polis Chain is EVM-compatible, meaning developers can build applications that make use of smart contract technology. 


The network started as a fork of popular payment platform DASH, adopting its own Proof-of-Stake rules in 2018. Moreover, Polis is governed by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) which elects five managers responsible for the ecosystem’s operation. All Polis members are able to vote for each of the positions as well as put forward and vote for specific proposals pertaining to the ecosystem’s future.  


At its core, Polis has adopted a community driven approach to creating new technology for the purpose of promoting widespread cryptocurrency and decentralized ledger adoption.


For more information on how Polis is using its own native blockchain to revolutionize DeFi, visit their website here.


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Stay-up to date on all things Polis on Youtube 


Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Maria Sidorova

Contact Email: [email protected] 

POLIS is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.

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Poltergeist Exchange Partners with Ghost By McAfee to Release a Private Stable Coin and Privacy Exchange

Friday 12th March 2021, St John, Antigua – Poltergeist Exchange has partnered with GHOST by McAfee to bring a private stable coin and privacy dex to the GHOST by McAfee blockchain. Poltergeist Exchange has released their native token GHOUL, and are developing and releasing a side chain with the same name for Ghost by McAfee. 


Side chains for GHOST will open up a variety of interaction possibilities including a full privacy dex using atomic swaps to flawlessly execute cross chain transactions, a private stabled coin, GHOSTDAI, that is pegged and backed 1:1 with DAI, and more. 


“When I was setting the vision for GHOST, I didn’t just see a privacy coin, but an ecosystem of products and services that really encompassed the ideas and values that I think are really important about being able to do business and send value privately.” said Josh Case, the founder of Poltergeist Exchange and Co founder of Ghost by McAfee


“Nothing can stop us from bringing these ideas to the world. And a lot of these ideas are closer than you may think” 


Poltergeist and Ghost have also brought on other heavy hitters as advisors such as Mate Tokay, Co founder of


“I am really happy to join these projects and help bring a true private crypto currency ecosystem to the world. A real private stable coin will be a game changer” said Mate Tokay


The experience of the GHOST team & its’ advisors puts GHOST in an advantageous position in a time where DEXs and privacy are in high demand. GHOST can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, at any time.


To sign up and join the next step in DEX advancement, visit the Poltergeist website.


Join the Poltergeist community by visiting Twitter, or chat on Telegram.


About GHOST is a privacy coin founded by legendary tech pioneer John McAfee, who has continued to promote the project on his Twitter account from his jail cell in Spain. 


Media Contact Details 

Contact Name: Josh Case

Contact Email: [email protected] 


Poltergeist Exchange is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. 


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Shifting into ‘Lite’speed: DeFiChain Launches Litecoin Liquidity Mining

Bitcoin Press Release: DeFiChain and Litecoin Foundation strike an agreement to offer Liquidity Mining for the popular cryptocurrency on the DeFiChain platform. DeFiChain users can earn up to two DFI per LTC block mined using the DeFiChain desktop application.


11th February 2021, Singapore: DeFiChain, the world’s leading blockchain on the Bitcoin network devoted to decentralised monetary applications, has today announced that Liquidity Mining with full rewards will be available with LTC on the DeFiChain platform. Following a successful one-week testing period, the Liquidity Mining program on DeFiChain will award two DFI coins — DeFiChain’s native digital currency — for every block mined.


By adding Liquidity Mining capabilities for LTC, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world, the platform highlights its commitment to delivering more opportunities, options and diversity for its users, and adds to the existing suite of benefits provided to its users.


“Litecoin is one of the most popular and widely used cryptocurrencies in the world, and we are delighted to be partnering with them to offer Liquidity Mining for Litecoin on DeFiChain. Liquidity Mining on DeFiChain allows market making to be done in a fair and transparent manner” 


Said Julian Hosp, Chairman of DeFiChain. He continued:


“In order for it to be used by such a vast community, it has to be highly liquid and available in multiple markets. The integration and availability of LTC on the DeFiChain platform gives users another option, thereby empowering holders of the cryptocurrency to provide measurable, beneficial liquidity and earn rewards in return.” 


DeFiChain’s DEX (decentralised exchange) offers fast transaction speeds, low fees, low transaction fees, high security, and a fully decentralised trading environment. On DeFiChain, a gamut of Litecoin holders can utilise their holdings and computing resources to provide liquidity and earn sizable returns in the process.


Jay Milla from Litecoin Foundation said: 


“This marks the beginning of a new era for LTC, being available on one of the world’s fastest growing decentralised platforms. DeFiChain’s mission, to provide fast, intelligent and transparent financial services is aligned to our own. Throughout the years, Litecoin has continued to grow to become an industry leader, as one of the oldest and most widely utilized and traded cryptocurrencies. It continues to maintain its position within the top cryptocurrencies ranked by market capitalisation.”


DeFiChain, one of the leading blockchains built upon the Bitcoin’s network infrastructure, which democratises market making and liquidity provisions by empowering its rapidly growing community. With this partnership, traders and investors, both retail and institutional, will be able to earn rewards based on the actual, measurable liquidity they create for Litecoin, which in this case, equates to two DFI per block mined. 


To access LTC-DFI Liquidity Mining pools on DeFiChain, simply download the DeFiChain desktop app from, deposit DFI to the DEX to swap part of it for LTC, then select “Liquidity” from the menu on the left-hand side and the “+” symbol under “Add or remove liquidity” to select the amount to add. It couldn’t be easier. 


About DeFiChain

DeFiChain is a blockchain platform dedicated to enable fast, intelligent, and transparent decentralized financial services. The DeFiChain Foundation’s mission is to bring DeFi to the Bitcoin ecosystem. Unlike most of the other DeFi projects that are built on the Ethereum network, DeFiChain is built on Bitcoin (as a software fork), and leverages Bitcoin’s security by anchoring to the bitcoin blockchain (via Merkle root) every few minutes.


By dedicating the functionality of a blockchain specifically to decentralized finance, DeFiChain is able to provide high transaction throughput, reduced risk of errors, and intelligent feature development.


Visit for full information including roadmap and upcoming features.


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About Litecoin Foundation

The Litecoin Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to advance Litecoin for the good of society by developing and promoting state-of-the-art blockchain technologies. Litecoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone in the world. The Litecoin Foundation Ltd. is headquartered in Singapore (registered UEN# 201709179W) with an active team contributing from around the globe. 


For more information, visit


About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.

DeFiChain is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.

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DEXFIN Launching European Crypto Exchange as a One-Stop Solution for All

Bitcoin Press Release: The new DEXFIN European digital asset management platform will soon launch, offering benefits from its tokenized business model including affiliate and staking income. 


Monday 26th October, 2020 – The DEXFIN Exchange is a one-stop solution for digital assets: buy, store, and manage assets, discover new possibilities of trading in virtual reality, save on fees, and make a profit by staking. Users can also take advantage of tokenization, DeFi lending, savings in crypto (BTC, USDT, and DXF), make use of instant payments through Lightning Network with nearly zero fees, and more.

DEXFIN will launch its digital asset exchange on November 25th, 2020. The platform brings in features that will be attractive for many users.

DEXFIN: Crypto Exchange With Trading in Virtual Reality

DEXFIN is a revolutionary FinTech company which provides a top-quality, European crypto exchange where users can do trading more efficiently in virtual reality and manage digital assets all by themselves – easily, quickly, and securely. With a business model based around circular tokenomics, DEXFIN bridges the gap between cryptocurrencies, company capitalization processes and individuals. This is only possible through a transparent, secure and token-based circular economy using blockchain technology.

DEXFIN: Complete Ecosystem

DEXFIN brings in a complete ecosystem with many benefits and advantages to users:


With the DXF Exchange token, users can own part of the DEXFIN infrastructure and gain access to special offers, benefits and discounts.

  • Obtain up to 40% from the fees generated through affiliate links.
  • Get up to 50% off fees on the DEXFIN platform.
  • Receive 11% annual interest when holding DXF.
  • Trade DXF on open markets and redeem them for services provided by DEXFIN or other users of the platform.
  • Gain percentage share from the newly listed tokens on the DEXFIN platform.
Virtual Reality VR Token and Bonuses

If a user has 10,000 DXF Tokens or more, they will get a special bonus which is unrivaled in the world of crypto – the VR Tokens will be automatically credited to their account as an airdrop of VICTORIA VR Virtual Reality project:

  • For every 10,000 DXF, users get a bonus of 100,000 VR Tokens.
  • Users will receive 20% annual interest for locking their VR Tokens in staking.
  • The only condition is to have the tokens locked in staking for 12 months.

VR Tokens will be extremely useful for discounted payments within the VICTORIA VR platform set to attract crowds of users, primarily from the gaming sector.

Staking Platform for DXF, BTC, USDT

Staking is similar to keeping money on users’ term deposits but with a significantly higher annual appreciation. Users just hold coins and tokens on the DEXFIN Exchange and generate passive income from their cryptocurrencies:

  • DXF – 11% annually.
  • USDT – 11% annually.
  • BTC – 6% annually.
Savings in BTC, DXF, and DeFi

With DEXFIN, users can set up regular and convenient monthly savings plans in BTC, DXF Token and other digital currencies. users can also make use of advantageous DeFi (Decentralized Finance) loans built over Bitcoin.

Platform for Trading in VICTORIA VR Virtual Reality

Discover a new way of trading and new trading opportunities! While trading in virtual reality, users can see and follow all the needed information at once – insight from social networks, prices of favourite coins and tokens, charts and indicators, and more.

The DEXFIN trading platform allows users to quickly and securely purchase, sell, and manage digital currencies in real-time from a single interface without any intermediaries and with low fees. users can also use the DEXFIN mobile application to manage their assets on the go, at any time.

Lightning Network for Instant Payments, and More

Use the DEXFIN payment gateway for instant payments using Bitcoin with virtually zero fees. DEXFIN is also establishing many other products users will definitely appreciate: Cryptomats, payment terminals, NFC payment cards, NFC rings, an eShop and an educational website which includes a crypto encyclopedia.

Tokenization Platform

In 2021, DEXFIN is preparing to launch a licensed tokenization platform – a modern digital crowdfunding platform based on the blockchain. Many different assets can be tokenized and moved onto the blockchain – private equity shares, stocks and bonds, real estate, precious metals and even fine arts. These tokenized assets will always effectively link the token issuer to the backers of the project. DEXFIN enables companies to raise finances globally, continuously and compliantly. This allows token holders to benefit from their growth and future profit. Anyone who likes a product and mission can easily support that product or mission by buying tokens.

DEXFIN: Based in the Crypto Hub of Europe

DEXFIN is based in Prague, Czech Republic, which is the home of several notable inventions in the field of crypto. Some examples include the first mining pool (SlushPool) which started in the Czech Republic back in 2010 and the world-famous Trezor hardware wallet. The Czech Republic ranks among one of the most crypto-friendly countries in Europe.

DEXFIN, as a complete ecosystem, is home to many exciting features, benefits and advantages that will be loved and sought out by both businesses and individual users. Now, check out all the details on the DEXFIN Platform.


When will you change the way you trade? Visit the DEXFIN website today.


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Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Jonathan Gray

Contact Email: [email protected]


DEXFIN is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all.


About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.

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DEXFIN’s European Digital Asset Exchange Launch Is Almost Upon Us

Bitcoin Press Release: The new DEXFIN European digital asset management platform will soon launch, offering benefits from its tokenized business model including affiliate and staking income. 


21st October 2020, Prague, Czech Republic – The revolutionary crypto company, DEXFIN,has announced the launch of its new European digital asset management and trading exchange. The exchange will act as a one-stop solution for purchasing, trading and managing digital assets. 


DEXFIN will launch its digital asset exchange (in beta) on November 25th, 2020, leading up to the full version in December 2020. Users of the new exchange will be able to profit from staking tokens while also taking advantage of other tokenization benefits like heavily reduced fees, affiliate returns and a percentage share of newly listed tokens. 

The Benefits of Tokenization

Tokenization is a popular form of crowdfunding that enables new companies the freedom to increase their opportunitiesright from the inception stage, while simultaneously offering an exciting investment opportunity to all levels of participants. Tokenization covers many areas of investments, including private equity shares, stocks and bonds, real estate, precious metals and the fine arts. 


DEXFIN’s blockchain-based business model is constructed around circular tokenomics which enables companies to raise finances globally, continuously and compliantly. DEXFIN’s new European Digital Asset Exchange connect clients with promising projects, streamlining complicated company capitalization processes for individual investment. 

Passive Income & The DEXFIN Token (DXF)

The DXF Exchange Token is designed so users can own a percentage of the DEXFIN infrastructure and gain access to special offers, benefits and discounts, including: 


  • Obtain up to 40% from fees generated through an affiliate link.
  • Get up to 50% off fees on the DEXFIN platform.
  • Receive up to 11% annual interest when holding DXF tokens.
  • Trade DXF tokens on open markets and redeem tokens for services provided by DEXFIN or other users of the platform.
  • Gain a percentage share from the newly listed tokens on the DEXFIN platform.

DEXFIN Staking

The DEXFIN Exchange offers users attractive passive income incentives with DXF token staking. The exchange provides annual returns of up to 11% by staking between 10,000 and 5,000,000 DXF tokens for 12 months. Stakers can have their earnings paid out in DXF, BTC or USDT. Moreso, users will not have to pay any fees. DEXFIN has announced it will add more assets for staking in upcoming phases. Robert Haluska & Kamil Brejcha, Co-Founders of DEXFIN stated:


DEXFIN is your one-stop solution to buy, store and manage your digital assets, profit from staking, save on fees, take advantage of tokenization and more. DEXFIN is building the infrastructure for the next generation of financial markets.”


DEXFIN Trading Platform

DEXFIN’s intuitive trading platform is designed for all levels of traders to purchase, trade and manage a broad range of digital assets from a single interface. These features are also coupled with very competitive fees and no added intermediaries. A one-stop mobile application for the platform will be available on Android and iOS in the coming weeks. 


Crypto ATMs and DEXFIN Security

The company is also making big moves in regards to assisting individuals in gaining physical access to cryptocurrency in Europe. This can be seen with their introduction of a network of proprietary payment terminals and Crypto ATMs with NFC technology. These innovative tools will pave the way for increased use of contactless NFC payment cards, apps and payment rings with NFC technology in Europe from 2021 and beyond. 


The DEXFIN platform infuses top level Czech security with unique technology that incorporates zero knowledge proofs, multi-party computation and post quantum resistant cryptography based on Schnorr signatures. 


The DEXFIN ecosystem offers exciting features, benefits and advantages over its competition, including 50% of fees, affiliate returns, 11% annual staking, and a share of newly listed tokens. 


When will you change the way you trade? Visit the DEXFIN website today.


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Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Jonathan Gray

Contact Email: [email protected]


DEXFIN is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all.

About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.