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PARSIQ’s IQ Protocol Launches, Powering the Tokenized-SaaS Ecosystem of the Future

Press Release: PARSIQ launches its highly anticipated IQ Protocol – the first risk-free collateral-less decentralized finance protocol built specifically for the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) market. 


31st March 2021, Tallinn, Estonia – PARSIQ has launched their revolutionary IQ Protocol on testnet (Ethereum) – a decentralized finance (DeFi) solution for the SaaS market. IQ Protocol is the world’s first risk-free, collateral-less DeFi protocol to tokenize SaaS subscriptions in the DeFi space with a circular economy. IQ Protocol features several standard DeFi services, including staking, lending, and borrowing. 


The launch marks PARSIQ’s official entry into the DeFi space. If the testnet release is successful, IQ Protocol’s mainnet is scheduled to launch in Q2 this year, and the team already has interest from several DeFi projects. Furthermore, the PARSIQ team is considering launching the mainnet on several other chains, including Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and Solana (SOL), with which PARSIQ has already integrated.

IQ Protocol & Power Tokens 

The IQ Protocol brings a new perspective to DeFi solutions for the mainstream environment. Not only is the maintenance of the protocol’s network fully-trustless, but the protocol itself is open-source. Additionally, PARSIQ’s innovative decision to remove the requirement of collateral to participate in or build on IQ is another first for the DeFi space, nullifying the risks associated with DeFi participation.


IQ Protocol also takes an innovative approach to token utility through the introduction of Power Tokens. Unlike conventional utility tokens which represent a fixed amount of utility, Power Tokens generate utility over time. Therefore, holders of Power Tokens “subscribe” to utility rather than possessing a fixed quantity.


For example, the conventional “tomato token” would represent rights to collect 1 kg of tomatoes, whereas a Power “tomato token” (with weekly flow and expiry in 1 year) would represent a right to collect 1 kg of tomatoes per week for a year.


Power Tokens are housed in a “Power Enterprise” – a series of smart contracts which aggregate several IQ Protocol features, including governance, funding, and the ability to mint new Power Tokens.


The shift to a subscription-first model provides huge performance benefits for blockchain-based networks including off-loading a significant load of transactions away from the main-chain. And in the best case, most main-chain transactions aren’t needed anymore.



A new, upgraded tokenomics model also accompanies IQ’s launch, requiring users to hold PRQ, PARSIQ’s native token. IQ allows users to borrow or “rent” PRQ via IQ Protocol by paying a fee. In effect, they pay a subscription fee, with the proceeds rewarding lenders in a risk-free fashion. Accordingly, IQ’s model rewards holding in a simple but effective way which also ensures the long-term security of its network.


Strong Partnerships & Developments

IQ’s launch comes after a successful start to the year for the PARSIQ team. The current network recently integrated with the Solana ecosystem, allowing SOL users to combine data streams and write custom scenarios using PARSIQ’s user-friendly scripting language.


PARSIQ also integrated its Smart Triggers feature with data marketplace platform Ocean Protocol. The integration gives Ocean users the ability to automate reactions to specific data inputs using PARSIQ’s unique monitoring solution. 


This was also extended to Binance Smart Chain (BSC), with BSC users able to benefit from the same Smart Triggers feature. As part of the BSC integration, PARSIQ also became part of Binance’s $100 million accelerator fund as part of the top-exchange’s efforts to encourage innovative new projects to build on BSC. 


Moreover, PARSIQ has integrated with several other projects in the DeFi space, including Balancer, PAID Network, Injective Protocol, and many more. For more on these integrations, check out PARSIQ’s blog



PARSIQ is a next-generation blockchain analytics platform built to connect blockchain activity to off-chain applications and devices. It provides a number of innovative solutions for actionable data including customizable event-based triggers, data monitoring solutions, and real-time automation targeted at the SaaS space. 


For more about IQ Protocol, PARSIQ, and its future plans, visit PARSIQ’s website.  


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Media Contact Details 

Contact Name: Bitcoin PR Buzz Press Team

Contact Email: [email protected] 


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Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 9 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.

PARSIQ is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.

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PARSIQ Integrates Solana Blockchain on its Platform

Bitcoin Press Release: PARSIQ has integrated with Solana blockchain, allowing users to monitor, process, and connect to off-chain any events on the Solana blockchain in real time.


27th February 2021, Road Town, BVI – PARSIQ has added support for the Solana blockchain on the PARSIQ Platform, allowing users to monitor any events on the Solana blockchain in real time at scale, process those events according to programmable logic and connect them to off-chain devices and apps for workflow automation.


With PARSIQ now integrated into Solana, users on the Solana network can now reap all the benefits from the PARSIQ ecosystem. Using PARSIQ’s push-based data-stream aggregator that adds a programmability level on top of real time data-streams. PARSIQ allows users to combine independent data streams and write arbitrary scenarios in reactive style using the easy scripting language. Developers too can now build on-chain to off-chain solutions on PARSIQ using ParsiQL language for the Solana blockchain.


Users don’t need to think about an environment, server configuration, runtime management. PARSIQ even provides users with their own programmable data storage where they can place their auxiliary data to use in their scripts. 


PARSIQ scripts (called Smart Triggers) not only react, they can keep data, update it and react differently in future on basis of already processed data. In other words they can learn. So PARSIQ is an ideal platform not only for monitoring, it is a platform for deploying bots, strategies that can learn, AML compliance rules, automated accounting and so on.


PARSIQ recently introduced Smart Triggers to the crypto world, allowing real-time on-chain events to trigger off-chain actions, giving developers the possibility to automate workflows, creating endless ways to interact with real world applications, maximizing possibilities while focusing on being cost effective.


About Solana

Solana is touted as being one of the fastest blockchains, having launched their mainnet in beta in March 2020, they have since processed over 12 billion transactions with a reported rate of 50.000 TPS (Transactions Per Second). Speed isn’t the only thing going for Solana, with 652 Global Validators, the average transaction performed on the network costs only an estimated $0.00001. 


Not only is Solana fast, they’ve also seen tremendous growth and user adoption on their platform, with 4.9 million unique wallets at EOY 2020. They’ve even seen popular DEX Serum launch exclusively on the Solana blockchain.



PARSIQ is a blockchain monitoring and workflow automation platform connecting on-chain and off-chain applications in real-time, providing transaction notifications for end-users. With PARSIQ you can connect blockchain activity to off-chain apps and devices, monitor and secure DeFi applications, and build custom event triggers and power real-time automations.


To read more about PARSIQ visit the website at

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Media Contact Details 

Contact Name: Bitcoin PR Buzz Press Team

Contact Email: [email protected] 


About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.


PARSIQ is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.