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ClinTex to Give Away 1 Million USD in CTi Tokens With Unique Staking Program

Bitcoin Press Release: Pioneering clinical trials platform ClinTex is giving away $1 million USD worth CTi tokens through a unique staking program, which is running from April 1st to September 30th, 2021.


5th April, 2021, London, United Kingdom – Following a successful launch in 2020 ClinTex has been developing CTi-OEM, a blockchain app focused on using data analytics to enhance operational efficiency in clinical trials.


Due to the success of the CTi presale (in which the soft-cap target was achieved) and the swift development of the platform, ClinTex chose not to go ahead with the final stage of its IEO. Instead the company chose to continue with a secure CTi token listing on top cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin and sustain the impressive momentum that the project had started to gather. 


CTi Growth 

Since its listing on KuCoin both the project has seen significant growth. Humbled by the level of support that the project has gathered in a relatively short period, ClinTex have decided to reappropriate the tokens originally intended for the IEO into a uniquely rewarding staking program for all CTi token holders. The staking program offers CTi token holders an opportunity to earn higher rewards than typical staking programs.  


CTi Token giveaway

Clintex will be giving away over $1 million USD in CTi tokens to its community through a unique staking program designed to offer maximum benefit to its participants. The program is an opportunity for participants to earn as much as 40% interest to participants for staking CTi tokens over three different staking options. 


The staking program will see ClinTex distribute a total 18.5 Million CTi tokens to participants from 1st April 2021 to September 30th, when the first app is due for release. Because CTi is a single asset, participants of the program can earn high yield rewards by sending their CTi to the staking pool and will receive their stake and rewards after their staking time has elapsed. 


Staking And Rewards 

There are three options for CTi token staking, one month, three months or 5 months: with the highest interest rewards going to the longest staking term. One month stakers will be rewarded by 6% returns, a three month stake offers a sizable 21% return and 5 month stakers will get a massive 40% return on their CTi tokens. For example a 5 month stake of 1000 tokens would yield a 1,400 CTi return.


Compound Staking

Token stakers will also have the option to increase their staking rewards even further with ‘Compound Staking’, an added benefit which allows for an additional staking period after the initial staking time has elapsed. 


Anyone staking 1,000 CTi for 30 days will earn a return of 1,060 CTi but if they were to stake for an additional 30 days they would earn additional interest on the first months profits, increasing their rate of 6% to 12.36% and receiving a more substantial 1,236 CTi in the process. 


Start Staking Now

Anyone can take part in the CTi staking program for the next 6 months, which is set to end at the same time as the launch of the first CTi app. Staking has now launched on the ClinTex website. Interested parties will require a web3 cryptocurrency wallet such as Metamask to take part in the program


Clintex: A Blockchain Solution For Clinical Trials

ClinTex is a scalable blockchain platform built for clinical trials, to serve as a single source of truth for the clinical trial and pharma ecosystem and designed for wide adoption by the stakeholders of the ecosystem. 


In recent years the standards in the clinical trials industry have fallen, with hugely inflated costs and massive trial delays becoming the norm. The average cost of getting a new drug on the market today is an eye watering $2.5 billion, and some trials can take as long as 10 years to be approved. 


Distributed ledger technology has the potential to revolutionise the clinical trials industry and solve these growing issues. ClinTex stands head and shoulders from its peers with its fully scalable blockchain platform for the development of real-world clinical trials. 


ClinTex will be the first company to deliver real-world solutions in the clinical trial industry with blockchain technology and AI, integrated with clinical data sources to make a positive lasting impact on a global issue. 


ClinTex staking program represents a great opportunity to be involved in a potentially industry changing shift and is also a potentially rare investment opportunity for CTi holders. Join the CTi staking program to start earning up to 40% rewards for a 5 month stake. 


Media Contact Details 

Contact Name: Bitcoin PR Buzz Press Team

Contact Email: [email protected]  


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About Bitcoin PR Buzz 

Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 9 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.


ClinTex is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.

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After Lightning-Paced Tier-1 Sellout, ClinTex’s CTi Token Lists on KuCoin Today

Bitcoin Press Release: ClinTex is all set to fulfil its promise of reducing cost and time wastage in the medical trials industry, with its CTi token available for public trading on KuCoin on Wednesday.


30th November 2020, London, United Kingdom: Using the combination of blockchain, artificial intelligence and smart contracts, ClinTex is an innovative medical trial platform that will usher in an era of data sharing, analytics and management in pharmaceutical development that will revolutionize the current industry. The aim: Eliminate issues that cause time and resources to be wasted and remove duplication of efforts.


Sharing is Caring

The pharmaceuticals industry is lucrative – an innovative medicine that can tackle a disease is worth billions in sales. However, the industry is littered with high barriers to entry and unfathomable lead times for products. Compounding these problems are the tough trial stages before drugs are approved for use. To offset this huge cost, the pharma industry simply passes on the cost to the public, with the sick paying huge amounts of money for their health. And in ClinTex’s view, this is unacceptable.


ClinTex is leveraging blockchain technology to herald a new age in medical trial data sharing that is secure, efficient and open. Their Clinical Trials Intelligence (CTi) platform utilizes data analytics combined with blockchain technology to address the major inefficiencies in clinical trials. Through this, the estimated $350 billion spent yearly on new medication development can be significantly reduced.


The CTi Platform will also enable better collaboration across the pharmaceutical industry. Currently, there are almost 3,000 studies ongoing that are evaluating Covid-19 treatments and vaccines, but most are working in isolation. Using blockchain technology, CTi will finally provide a way for Big Pharma, small Biotech, academia and  independent researchers to collaborate and share key data, allowing for faster clinical trials and less clinical trial failures.. This will support ClinTex’s vision of facilitating the delivery of new medicines Faster, Safer and Cheaper.


CTi Listing

Powering the ClinTex’s mission of serving humanity is its CTi token. The firm originally had an IEO in the plans, but the immense interest by participants meant ClinTex was ready to go to market with CTi much quicker. Purchased at an incredible pace, the first round completely sold out and the second round also saw unprecedented demand. ClinTex decided not to run additional, unnecessary rounds of the sale.


CTi has just been listed on KuCoin today, Monday 30th November, 2020 and publicly tradable in 2 days on Wednesday 2nd December, 2020. KuCoin stands amongst the top ten crypto exchanges and its high volume of trading means the token will be in the reach of hundreds of thousands of investors and individuals who share the ClinTex dream. With over 30,000 new clinical trials registered every year, and over 250,000 clinical trials ongoing at any one time, the market potential for CTi is huge. This market opportunity, coupled with ClinTex’s innovative platform, is likely to drive  significant demand for the token in the short term, with longer term sustainable token growth being driven by the roll-out of the platform in 2021. 


Open, Yet Secure

ClinTex offers a seamless experience of sharing medical data, but respects intellectual property at the same time. A recent report by The Guardian revealed that state sponsored hackers are constantly attempting to hack into the servers of pharma companies engaged in COVID-19 vaccine development. This is the very reason ClinTex uses blockchain. Smart contracts assure the information is released to the only right party, leading to a trustless environment.


Expert Opinion

Combined, the ClinTex team has over 50 years of experience in the pharma industry, with vast connections in the clinical trial sector. ClinTex is also all set to roll out its working platform in 2021. With the platform launched next year, the true power of medical trials and blockchain will be unleashed, bringing pharmacists, doctors, researchers and others under one roof, working in cohesion to make medications easier to develop and cost effective for the world. One world, one mankind, a global health benefit.


Join the medical revolution and trade CTi today on KuCoin!


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About KuCoin

KuCoin is a global cryptocurrency exchange for numerous digital assets and cryptocurrencies. Launched in September 2017, KuCoin has grown into one of the most popular crypto exchanges and already has over 5 million registered users across 207 countries and regions around the world. One out of every four crypto holders in the world is with KuCoin.


Media Contact Details 

Contact Name: Sean Flanagan

Contact Email: [email protected]


ClinTex is the source of this content. This press release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections.


About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.


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With Round 1 Fully Sold Out, ClinTex Launches Round 2 of the CTi Token Sale

Bitcoin Press Release: With the first tier of ClinTex’s CTi token sale 100% sold-out, the second phase has now begun, with 70% bonuses available.


1st October 2020, London, United Kingdom: The lack of coordination, and major issues with bureaucracy are taking a heavy toll on the medical trials industry. Costing anywhere from $600,000 to upto $8 million USD per day, every single day a medicine is delayed not only leads to huge financial losses, but also affects millions of people as they are deprived of crucial, life saving drugs. 


And ClinTex’s solution comes at the perfect time – With the disruption of the $350bn/year medical trials market firmly in their sights via a novel solution to bring down costs, reduce friction and increase efficiency and information transfer, ClinTex has successfully completed its first round of token distribution, selling out $1m USD of tokens.


Tier 2 CTi Presale

Following the success of the first sale round, ClinTex have opened up the sale to participants wishing to join the action by acquiring CTi tokens. A total of 26,666,667 CTi are available in this round. ClinTex eventually plans for an IEO, but participants of Tier 2 can take advantage to back the platform’s CTi with a 40% bonus, getting their hands on each token at $0.075 per CTi. Half of all the tokens purchased in this round will be vested for a period of 2 months.


Proceeds from this event will be used to develop the platform and bring a change to how the current medical trial and healthcare industry is working.


About ClinTex

Leveraging blockchain technology, ClinTex is on a path to eliminate barriers and friction in the current medical industry that waste millions of dollars per day. ClinTex brings changes such as:


  • Time Saving: Normally, it takes up to 15 years for a drug to pass all trials and into the hands of patients, a time that many might not have. ClinTex’s well coordinated platform will reduce the friction that causes time delays.
  • Research Silos: Currently, the medical research industry is in disarray when it comes to communicating with each other. Two or even more firms may be spending time looking into the same medicine, leading to waste of time and resources. ClinTex’s transparency will bring in close coordination, letting one team work on an issue while the other takes up something else.
  • Cheaper Medicine: With the close coordination within the research community, development and supply chain, the patients eventually get a medicine that is cheaper, essentially saving lives.


The importance of a close-knit healthcare industry has never been more important. The current pandemic has exposed how weak the medical industry is when faced with a crisis that does not care for borders and race.


Join the presale today and take advantage of a 40% discount.


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Media Contact Details 

Contact Name: Sean Flanagan

Contact Email: [email protected]


About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.


ClinTex is the source of this content. This press release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. The ClinTex token sale is closed to US participants and participants of all countries in which ICO/IEOs are illegal. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Token sales are only suitable for individuals with a high risk tolerance. Only participate in a token event with what you can afford to lose.